Welcome to the new school year, 2024 - 2025.pdf
SDEC_Newsletter June 2024_Year End Sahtu Celebration.pdf

Sahtu Divisional Education Council félicite M. Houssni Lhaloui de l'école Mackenzie Mountain pour ses accomplissements exceptionnels. Houssni a reçu le prix Core French Teacher décerné par l’organisation sans but lucratif Canadian Parents for French (Alberta / NWT Chapter) pour l’excellence de son enseignement du français langue première, ainsi que pour l'innovation et les initiatives de ses pratiques pédagogiques. Le 18 juin, Lorraine Kuer, surintendante, a présenté le certificat d'excellence à M. Houssni Lhaloui à l'école Mackenzie Mountain. Nous sommes fiers de vous et de votre dévouement pour l'enseignement. Une fois de plus, félicitations! 

The Sahtu Divisional Education Council congratulates Mr. Houssni Lhaloui from Mackenzie Mountain School (MMS) for outstanding achievement. Houssni was awarded the Core French Teacher award by the Canadian Parents for French (Alberta / NWT Chapter) for excellence in teaching Core French, along with innovation and initiative in his teaching practice. Lorraine Kuer, Superintendent, presented the certificate of excellence to Mr. Houssni Lhaloui on June 18 at MMS. Congratulations Houssni, we are very proud of you, and thank you for your excellence in teaching! 

Click  on the following link to access:

New JK-12 School Curriculum Renewal Poster

For information on what to expect:

 visit ECE curriculum renewal information page,

Educators, parents/guardians, students and members of the public can also send questions to:  nwtcurriculum_renewal@gov.nt.ca  

Please click on the top right of the picture below

for full size:

2023-06 - Poster - Curriculum Renewal - GNWT has answers - English.pdf